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Daily and Shabbos Minyan

Shacharis Minyanim/Morning Services

Sunday & Legal Holidays: 8:30am

Monday-Friday: 6:45am and 8:15am 

Rosh Chodesh & Fast Days: 6:30am 

Mincha-Maariv/Evening Services 

Mincha Monday- Thursday ( On School Days) - 3:45pm

20 minutes before sundown 

Shabbos Minyanim/Services 

Mincha-Kabbolas Shabbos

15 Minutes Before Sundown

Daylight Savings Time 10 minutes before Plag  

Shacharis/Morning Services

Main Minyan 9:00am in the Wolfson Sanctuary

Sephardic Minyan 9:00am in the Mirkis Chapel

Mincha/Evening Services

30 minutes before sundown,

followed by Seudah Shlishis/Third Meal 


Maariv and Havdallah 

43 minutes after sundown 

Mon, February 10 2025 12 Shevat 5785